Thermocouples Straight - Mountings
Flanges | Threaded Fittings | Welded Bushings
Easy To Order -
Thermocouples can be mounted in a number of ways. Adjustable flanges will allow thermocouple to be inserted at a variety of depths. Threaded fittings will give the thermocouple a gas tight seal. Welded bushings also give a strong gas tight seal. We can weld raised faced ANSI flanges to the protection tube for attachment to large piping.
Mounting Configurations
Part Numbering System Example
Add the mounting letters to the catalog number:
Example: 8K4-734XH-12-AF

- Adjustable Flanges for 1/2", 3/4" and 1.0" O.D. Pipe
- Threaded Fittings up to 2" NPT Thread
- Welded Bushings up t 2" NPT Thread
- Raised Faced or Flat Faced ANSI Flanges
- Pipe Extensions and Size