Thermocouple Elements
Thermocouple Elements
Part Numbering System
Richards Thermocouple elements are available in many configurations. Some of the more common types and forms are shown in the tables below. If you need a special type, phone one of our sales engineers. We can make them to your specifications. The part numbers below describe the thermocouple element type, wire gauge, method of insulation, and construction.
Example: The part number 8K2-36 signifies an 8 gauge (3.3 mm), Type K, oval ceramic insulated and 36 inches long (914.4 mm) element. Also see Configuration 2 for a representation for that particular thermocouple element.

Thermocouple Element Configurations
* Add thermocouple length as the suffix. Multiples of 6 inches (152.4 mm) starting at 12 inches (304.8 mm) are considered stock.
Key: * = Nominal Length C = Cold Leg H = Hot Leg
For optional Round insulators add “R” to the part number (8K2R-18)

- All Thermocouple Calibration Types: B, E, J, K, N, R, S, T, C, and P.
- Wire gauge sizes from 38 to 6.
- TIG butt welded junctions or Twist and TiG welded junctions.
- Single or dual thermocouple elements
- Bare or insulated with ceramic beads or insulators